Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Generic Brand

I used to peruse the cereal isle at the grocery store like a hawk scanning the desert for the plumpest meal. Once I found that perfect choice, I steadied my hand and reached out for the closest thing to cereal heaven available. I'd purchase it for some ridiculous price and take it home to enjoy it for a short four maybe five days.

Recently though everything I once knew has been blown out of the water. For the first time that I can ever remember I purchased a large quantity bag of generic cereal. Times are tough and I do my best to save money and pinch my wallet whenever possible. It's no time to be proud. As I carried the cereal through my door back home I wondered what had I done? What was I getting myself into? Little did I know the sheer pleasure that waited for me.

I tore open that bag of Magic Stars (aka Lucky Charms), poured it into a bowl with milk and cautiously took my first bite. To my amazement it was wonderful. At first I didn't know if it was just the fact that it was cheap that I liked it or that it was legitimately good. After I finished the first bowl I went back for seconds and it was clear, this was as good as if not better than the real thing. So next time you head to the store and contemplate getting the generic brand, go ahead, give it a chance.


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