Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome Back Jason

The thirteenth day of Februay this year had the misfortune of falling on a Friday. Rather than sheltering myself all day long, I behaved like a goat and joyfully sprinted over to the nearest movie theater last weekend. The latest addition to the "Friday the 13th" cinematic series had arrived.

With the powerful name of producer Michael Bay stamped all over it, the newest installment of this neverending horror collection is actually a remake/update of the orginal 1980 horror staple. Honestly, I've never been a dedicated fan of the slasher film genre. The films are all the same. Most of them are pretty lame. Still, for some reason, I always foolishly hope for the best.

Proudly, I am here to announce that the 2009 version of "Friday the 13th" is better than the original. It is a welcome reminder of the goofy joy an audience can share while witnessing pure trash. The movie is excitingly loud, deliciously violent, and remarkably enjoyable. At least for the first half or so. "Friday the 13th" overstays its welcome. Oh well though... I guess that is only nautral. I am thankful the hockey mask at least made an effort. -BTB

The Generic Brand

I used to peruse the cereal isle at the grocery store like a hawk scanning the desert for the plumpest meal. Once I found that perfect choice, I steadied my hand and reached out for the closest thing to cereal heaven available. I'd purchase it for some ridiculous price and take it home to enjoy it for a short four maybe five days.

Recently though everything I once knew has been blown out of the water. For the first time that I can ever remember I purchased a large quantity bag of generic cereal. Times are tough and I do my best to save money and pinch my wallet whenever possible. It's no time to be proud. As I carried the cereal through my door back home I wondered what had I done? What was I getting myself into? Little did I know the sheer pleasure that waited for me.

I tore open that bag of Magic Stars (aka Lucky Charms), poured it into a bowl with milk and cautiously took my first bite. To my amazement it was wonderful. At first I didn't know if it was just the fact that it was cheap that I liked it or that it was legitimately good. After I finished the first bowl I went back for seconds and it was clear, this was as good as if not better than the real thing. So next time you head to the store and contemplate getting the generic brand, go ahead, give it a chance.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The weather of 2009 has been absolutely crazy. I like things to be unpredictable, but this is getting a little ridiculous. One day, it'll be as hot as sizzling steaks cooking on a grill. Then, a day later, I'll feel like ice-cream chilling away inside of a freezer. I am sitting inside my bedroom right now literally shivering. I actually had to scrape off some ice from my windshield yesterday morning. I didn't think I'd ever be doing this chore in Orange County, California. Fond memories of growing up in Colorado brought a smile to my face. I was a little boy back then.

1987s "Robocop" is a wonderful movie. I remember catching this ultra-violent thrill ride with my father year or so after its theatrical release at my old Coloarado home. Actually, I watched "Robocop" again and again and again back then (thanks to the magic of VHS). Has anyone realized how many actors from "Robocop" have appeared in the brilliant television series, "24?" Think about the seasons from the past and you'll see what I mean. Coincidentally, what is with the initials "J.B.?" Jack Bauer, Jason Bourne, James Bond... - BTB