Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Shirt's Telling Me To Vote

Walking around Disneyland last night I realized something big was happening. Everywhere I walked people were laughing and commenting on my shirt. It reads, "Jack Bauer For President." I heard mumblings of the shirt being "so right" and "funny because it's true" and realized that it is the most politically correct statement I have ever carried around on my sleeve. It says something about the state of our country when people would rather vote for a pain loving, sometimes rogue, always patriotic CTU agent, then the actual candidates. At least with Mr. Bauer as our president we could wrap up this war for good and the economy would be tortured until it cooperated. That doesn't sound too bad to me. I'm writing Jack Bauer on my ballot. What will you do come election day? -SMG

Paid for by The Jack Bauer Foundation For The Children Of The World.

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