Monday, September 22, 2008

Why is everyone picking on Nicolas Cage?

There is no doubt that Nicolas Cage makes odd choices when selecting a movie and character to take on. That doesn't change the fact that however strange or absurd a movie is, his performance fits perfectly into the folds that make up the screenplay. Every performance is different when examined closely. Small details in his characters add nicely to the films. I am convinced he can do any role. and I have had this dream of casting him as a dance instructor at a college, a bit washed up, a bit pervy and of course, a bit doped up. Let that marinate for a minute...brilliant. I dare you to go back and take a look at some of his work and ask yourself, "Is he really as bad as I thought?" I guarantee that you will wonder why you spent so much time hating on the Cage when you wasted all that time not loving the Cage. Re-examine The Rock. Take a closer look at The Wicker Man. Dive deep into a dish of Adaptation, Matchstick Men, Red Rock West and Leaving Las Vegas. Many films. Many wonderful performances. Nicolas Cage, you are the president of my world. I'm voting you in for another four years. I'm spreading the word and to all you readers out there, let the Cagefest begin.


Aaron said...

Sean, I support this initiative. I saw Nic Cage on Letterman a couple of weeks ago (they show it in Australia), and he was talking about how he had just bought the most haunted house in New Orleans and how there is a ghost there that wants to sleep with him. He owns this house, but has never stayed over night there and his family won't even go in it, but sometimes he hangs out there and peers at the tour groups looking up at the strange old house, and he listens for signs of the ghosts that live there. Now, I think that is weird. That is not something I think a normal person would do. But he felt like he had to do it, because no one else would. To me, that is the essence of Nic Cage -- guided by spirits no one else can understand.
Ghost Rider was one of the best films of 2006, but no one even knew it. I am not kidding. That is the essence of Nic Cage.

Amir said...

I want to put something about Mr. Cage in perspective. Lisa Marie Presley said that being married to Nic Cage was the "greatest mistake she ever made." To understand how significant of a statement that is, she said it AFTER being married to Michael Jackson.

I rest my case.